
Sunday, March 13, 2011


Day 1.  It's exciting to start a blog!  And not as hard as I thought it would be.  My purpose is to proudly display the work of my students and perhaps inspire other art teachers. I am in my 9th year of teaching art and I'm currently at a K-8 charter school in Frederick, Colorado.  Some challenges I have faced this year include not having a sink in my classroom, 35 minute art class periods for K-5, 27 classes per week, Kindergarten classes with 28 kids (!) and not having a budget per child to work with.   So far, I have overcome all challenges and have adapted to the work load and lack of plumbing.  The kids are great and my peers are lovely to work with.  That said, I'm pooped!


  1. Karen, I'm honored that you chose me as one of your 2 favorite sites to list! And your 2nd choice, DeepSpace Sparkle was the site that inspired me to start blogging a year ago. So I thought I'd leave your very first comment, and be your very first follower!

    By the way, I love the images you already have posted - interesting parallels, since I am just about to begin a papier-mache mask project w/3rd grade, I just painted rainbows with K's, and I'm also about to start tooling foil w/6th grade, all things you have in photos though at different grade levels.

    Welcome to blogging!!

  2. Me again. I tried to add you to my blogroll ("art blogs I like")so that you would get visitors, but when I add you url it shows up with a little red "x" and won't appear on my blog. Since your blog is pretty different (in a good way) looking, filling the page with artwork and text in various columns, I don't know if it is a problematic format perhaps? I know when I changed backgrounds early on, I lost the ability for people to post comments for a while. So I suggest you keep your eye on it and see if anyone else has problems including you. Good luck, and sorry for the length of my wordy comments.

  3. Too impressed with 5th grade metal embossing. the brown color is so very attractive. What color is that. I want to know about it and where can i buy one.
