
Sunday, March 20, 2011


Spring is here!!!!!  Garden awaits me but I wanted to make a little progress on growing my blog site.  I'm stuck on trying to add more pages.  I haven't figured out the tab/link function but I'm hoping the answer will reveal itself after playing around some more.  Tricky stuff but I'm persistent.  So many more images to upload so I'm motivated.  It's like running a gallery online...and I know I want a new name for my site.  Soon.

Spring break is a week an oasis in the desert!  Already making plans for delicious self care and retreat--a massage, yoga, getting the veggie plot ready,  lunch with friends, shopping for some new clothes!  Thanks goodness teaching is rewarded with wonderful time off to recoup.  I'm remembering to balance work this time around and not overdo it.  It's so important to avoid the hazard of "burn-out", something I know a lot about.

I think blogging will improve my writing skills so I'm happy to have this opportunity even though I don't have followers, yet.  The goal for my site is to offer beautiful, inspiring images and text to help other teachers and to be a witness to the genius of children.  Their creative expression is a wonder and it's a privilege to facilitate it.  

That's all for now!

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Day 1.  It's exciting to start a blog!  And not as hard as I thought it would be.  My purpose is to proudly display the work of my students and perhaps inspire other art teachers. I am in my 9th year of teaching art and I'm currently at a K-8 charter school in Frederick, Colorado.  Some challenges I have faced this year include not having a sink in my classroom, 35 minute art class periods for K-5, 27 classes per week, Kindergarten classes with 28 kids (!) and not having a budget per child to work with.   So far, I have overcome all challenges and have adapted to the work load and lack of plumbing.  The kids are great and my peers are lovely to work with.  That said, I'm pooped!